
From Piszczynski

Basic Commands

Useful everyday commands

List directory contents:

in long format -l
list all -a

List block devices (all drives)

in list: -l

Get info on system

uname -a

Change file mode bits (file permissions)

chmod <options> <filename>
chmod 777 (gives read write execute permission to owner, group, world)

Change ownership of file

chown <newowner>:<newgroup> <filename>
chown dave:users notes.txt

Compress file

tar -zxvf <filename>
tat -zxvf something.tar.gz
    tar -xvf something.tar.gz

Display file contents or join files

cat <filename>
join files:
    cat file1.txt file2.txt
combine files:
    cat file1.txt file2.txt >> file3.txt


Copy a file:

cp <file> <Destination>

copy multiple files:

cp <file1> <file2> <Destination>

Prevent overwriting: (will overwrite files by default)

cp -n <source> <dest> (can also use -i option to decide for each file)

Copy directory:

cp -r <source> <destination>

Copy contents of directory to another directory:

cp <source>/. <destination>


Pipe output to sort to sort it or display contents of file sorted:

<command> | sort
sort <options> <filename>

Sort on numerical value:

sort -n

sort in reverse order:

sort -r

Sort by specific column (useful with commands that return data in columns like du)

sort -k <column number>
sort -k 3nr (will sort by the 3rd column in reverse number order)

Sort and remove duplicates

sort -u

Ignore case when sorting

sort -f

sort by human numeric values:

sort -h

Redirect output to another file:

sort > <other file>


Decompress tar.gz files:

tar –xvzf documents.tar.gz

Get Linux Info

Get current build and Linux OS data:

cat /etc/os-release

Remote Desktop Protocol App for linux

Remmina can be used for RDP connections to windows computers using RDP as well as VNC SSH and others

To user also need to install xrdp and tightvnc:

sudo apt install xrdp xorgxrdp -y
echo env -u SESSION_MANAGER -u DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS cinnamon-session>~/.xsession

Other newer option is xserver-xorg-core

Change or Set IP address

With Newer Ubuntu versions netplan is used as the network management tool.

Get ip address and interfaces with:

ip -c a
ip link

Set the network interface settings on the configuration files located in the netplan directory. Netplan will parse all the files in this directory:

sudo nano /etc/netplan/<name of config file eg 00-installer-config.yaml>

Example of the .yaml file:

      dhcp4: no
        addresses: [,]
  version: 2

Apply the changes using netplan apply:

sudo netplan apply

Swap File

Check size of swap file:

swapon -s

increase swap file to 8GB:

sudo swapoff -a #turn off swap file
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=8192 #set size of blocks for swap file and create
sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile #Assign it read/write permissions for root only
sudo mkswap /swapfile #Format the file as swap
sudo swapon -a #enable swap file - will also be activated on next reboot without this command

Alternate commands to make 8GB swap file

sudo swapoff /swapfile
sudo rm  /swapfile
sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile

App Image

Apps can be downloaded as an appimage which is the application with everythign it needs to run in one file.

You will need to make the appimage executable to be able to run it:

chmod u+x <appimage file>


Enable SSH

Install openssh server:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server


Enable login using ssh Keys

Generate keys: Be careful if you have already generated a key as this will overwrite the current key


This gets stored in ~/.ssh

Copy key to server (must have ssh via password enabled)

ssh-copy-id name@server

This gets sored on remote server in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. you can append keys to this fille to add more logins:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh name@server "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Copy over manually:

Check public key

cat ~/.ssh/

Make dir:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh

copy key over:

echo <public_key_string> >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Disable Password Authentication

Edit config file:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config


PasswordAuthentication no

Restart ssh service:

sudo systemctl restart ssh